This is where you should answer the most common questions prospective customers might have. It’s a good idea to cover things like your return policy, product warranty info, shipping and returns, etc. Check out the examples below.

What’s your return policy?

Try our expertise for 15 days free of cost. If you find that we are useful for your organization than go ahead and appoint us as your Accountant/Bookkeeper and we do all your accounting work while you concentrate on your work

How do we get our accounting reports ?

You can access your data s properly accounted on any cloud based software which you feel is good for your organization. We can also report to you on a daily basis/fortnight basis/monthly basis vis e -mail or through any management software which you wish (like basecamp etc)

Do you have customer service?

Of course! Our friendly and knowledgeable customer services representative/s are available to answer your questions 24/7/365.You could directly talk to the Managers on telephone or Whatsup/skyup/imo at 9830141476

How do I communicate with my accounting documents with you?

  1. Scan the document.
  2. Give online access to package or we would do offshore accounting.
  3. Send the document on FTP of your site whose user id and password would be provided by us . Those documents could also be kept with google.doc, base camp, or any other secured website.
  4. Whether online or offline all accounting functions would be done by us.
  5. If online client could log into the system and retrieve all the data s and if offshore accounting the client could retrieve all from e mail or document sharing software.